Friday 9 May 2014

{9}Yoga and spa

One  of  my  favorite  habits   is  enjoying  spa  at  hotel  or  house.
Especially,  I  really  like  lower  body  bathing.
Let's  talk  about  the benefits  of  lower  body  bathing !
* The  lower body  bathing   helps  to  solve  the  problem  of  people  who 
   are  suffering  from  the headache, dry  eye  and  losing  hair.
* The  lower  body  bathing  also   can  be  the  therapeutic  benefits  of
the  menstrual  irregularity,  the  infertility.

How  to  prepare  the  lower body bathing

* It   is  important  to  lower  the  heat  in  the  bathroom  if  you  want  to
  lower body  bath.
* You'd  better  open  the  window  if  there's  a  window  in  the  bathroom.
* It's  not   a  good  idea  to  take  a  bath  after  you  had  a  meal  or  before
  you  had  a meal.
* Drinking  a  cup of  water  can  eliminate  the  waste  matter  from  the body.

Let's  learn  about   lower  body-bath  spa

* Soak  your  body  in the  bathtub  ( Water  is  on  your  belly.)
* Dry  your  upper body  before  you  soak  in  the  bathtub.
* Taking  a  bath  in  the  evening   promotes  the  circulation  of  the  blood
  and   release  the  fatigue.
* Do  the  lower body  bath   twice  or  3 times  a  week.
* It  is  good  for  your  health   to  take  20~30  minutes  when  you 
take  a bath.
* Choose  a  proper   bath preparation.

photo -easy  pose  yoga

Yoga  pose   before  or  after  lower body  spa  bath.

Easy  pose   will  help  to  recover  from  the  fatigue.
One  of  the  benefits  of  the  easy  pose   is  to  increase  the  flexibility  of  the  body,  so   doing  easy  pose  before  spa  can  help  to relieve  fatigue  before  taking   lower  body  bath.
You  can  do  easy  pose  anywhere , a  bedroom  you  sleep, a  bathroom if
there  is  an  empty  space   or   a  terrace  you  can  drink  on.


Q: I  usually  take  a  lower body  bath  to  boost  an  immunity and  blood  circulation. But  I'm  not  sure  if   that  is  for me  or  not, I  feel  like  my  face  is  getting hot  enough  to  heat  the  water.
  I  heard  it  isn't  good   if  there's  a  moisture  in  the  bathroom, so  I  open  the
   window  while  filling the  bath,  then  take  a  bath  however  I  feel  the  moisture  in  the  bathroom.

A:  Answering  your  question,

    1) Q; I feel  like  my  face  is  getting  hot  enough  to  heat  the  water
        A; No  problem
     2) Q; I  heard it  isn't good  if  there's  a  moisture in the bathroom...
        A: It  doesn't matter  if  there's  a  moisture in the bathroom.