Friday 9 May 2014

{8}yoga - bow pose for burning fat belly

photo-Bow pose

Bow  pose  is  very  effective  to  make  a  beautiful  body  and  weight  loss.
Bow pose  can  be  the  therapy  for  people  who  are  suffering  from   the constipation  and   the  stomach  disorder.
Bow  pose  is  the  best  way  to   reduce  an  abdominal  fat,   and  also
 you will  be  on your way  to get  a  toned  tummy  if  you  practice  regularly.

Let's  practice  bow pose

1. Lie  on  the  belly  on  the  mat  and  place  your  forehead on the floor.
    Bend  your knee  to  hold   your  ankles  with  your  hands.
   (Place  your  both  knees  hip  width apart.)

2.  Inhale  and  exhale  deeply, lift  your  legs  
    and  then   slowly  raise  your  forehead,  chest  and  belly.
     (stay  in   this   pose   for  30 seconds.)

3. Back  to normal  pose  and  relax.

Be  careful  when  you do this pose !!

1. Do  not  stay  this  pose  for  a long  stretch of time  because  bow  pose
    stimulates  a  digestive  organ .
   (So  your  weight  loss  plan   will  be  ruined   if  you   practice  this  pose
   more  than  20~30 sec.)

2. Remember   that  you  should  tighten  your  sphincter  and   anus.
   (Your  spine  can  be  stimulated  too  much   unless  you  tighten them.)


Ask  about   a  bow  pose

Q:  Hi,  I  sometimes  practice  yoga   through  the  yoga  book, but  I  feel  like
    I  have  a  headache,  a  dizziness  whenever  I    do   the  bow  pose.
    However, I  really  want  to   continue  bow  pose  because  I  feel  like            improving  stretch  and   great  for  weight  loss.

A:  One  of  the  weaknesses   when  people  practice  yoga  through  the book
     is   they  don't  take  it  turns,  don't  relax  fully  for  the  yoga  practice.
     Sequence in  the  yoga   is   important   as  well   as  other  workouts.
    Bow  pose   is   one  of  the   chest  open  and  back  bending   postures ,
    any  person  can  feel  dizzy   if  they  practice  it  quickly  ,then  release  it

    The   headache  and  the  dizziness   is  the  symptom   that   anyone  feel
    during   practicing  yoga  posture.
    They  became  stiff  with  fear  in  the  unfamiliar  movement  of  their  body,
     however  stiffness  disappear   when   they're  just  used  to  the  posture
     and  headache  and  dizziness  will  disappear  naturally, too.

Q:  Hi, I'm a  beginner  who starts  yoga  recently  and  I  have a question for you.
     My  left  foot  is  higher than  my  right  foot  when  I  practice  bow  pose.
     It's  difficult  to  correct  my  posture  even  if  I  always  try  it,  I  think  I have
     asymmetries  in  my  body (my  waistline).
     Do  you  have  any  solution  to  improve  my   bow  pose ?

A:  Touching  your  big toes   each  other  to  correct  the  pelvis  can  help  you .