Using a blanket as a yoga supporter when you practice a fish pose
can be a best restorative yoga therapy if you feel the difficulty to do fish
Fish pose with a blanket or a block
can be a best restorative yoga therapy if you feel the difficulty to do fish
photo-Fish pose using a block
Fish pose with a blanket or a block
How to do fish pose for the beginner
1. Place a blanket on the floor
2. Sit with the back against the blanket.
3. Cross your legs and lie back on the blanket.
4. Placing another blanket under the head and neck
will be more relaxing when you do this pose.
5. Rest your arms beside the hip and breathe gently.
6. Stay in this pose for 2 minutes.
Hidden ancient myth about fish pose in India
Once upon a time, Brahma the creator God dozed off , so the Universe
could have been disappeared.
The flood waters engulfed the World and Vishnu turned into a fish.
There is a matsya purana, a story of Vishnu when Lord became a fish
and saved the life in the large ship and then delivered a message about
a wisdom of yoga, bhakti, karma.