Friday 16 May 2014

{18}Yoga pose - Triangle pose


Benefits  of   triangle  pose
Triangle pose  tones  the  whole  body  and  improves  the  circulation  of  blood.
It  helps  to  develop  the  focus  and  the  concentration.
Triangle pose will  jazz up  life  in  the  best  possible  way  and  soothe  tiredness
 to  help  the  function  of  the  liver.
Triangle  pose  can   recover  from  the torpor  and  manage   the  chronic  fatigue.
Practicing  this  pose  helps  the  kidneys  do  their  job   and  it  is  good  for
the  knee  joints .

photoTriangle  yoga  pose  using  yoga  block.

People  who  are  not  flexible  can  do  yoga  because  yoga  class
can  fit  the  level   of  students.
Beginner  can  practice  a  correct  posture  using  the  block and the string.
Using  a  block  when   you  practice   triangle  pose  is  also  useful
to  beginners   and  replacing  it  as  a  bulky  book  if   you  don't  have
a  block.

How  to  do  Triangle  pose  using  a  block

* When  you  bring  a  yoga  block  to  the  right  side.
1. Step  your  feet  apart  about  3~4 feet  apart  on  the  mat  while  bringing
    your  both  hands  on  the  hip.

2. Turn  the  left  foot  in   about  45 degrees ,  and  then  the  right foot
   out  90 degrees.

3. With  an  inhalation,  raise  your  both  arms  at  shoulder  height.

4. Slide  your  torso  to  the  right  and  take  your  right  hands  on  the
   yoga  block.
  (Your  right  leg  is  a  little  bit  bent, and  your  left  leg  is  straight.)
  (And  you can  make  your  legs  straight  if  you  can  feel  enough to 
 stretch  your  torso, back leg, abdominal area  and  chest.)

5. Taking  a  breath,  bring  your  arm  to  the  ceiling  and  then  you can
   either  look  forward  or  look  down.

6. Inhale  to  come  up  using  a  yoga  block  to  grab ( You  can  hold  the
   yoga  block  when  you come  up .)

Ask  about  Triangle pose
Q;  I  have  a  question  about  yoga  posture  to  balance  using  a  foot  or  to  press  down  with  a  foot  like  an  eagle  pose  or   a  triangle pose.
  I  feel  comfortable  to  balance  with  left  foot  ,  while  I  feel  trembling  and  hurting  in  my  legs  with  right  foot   when  I  do  triangle  pose.

A; One  reason  that  you  feel  hurting  in  the  legs  when  you  balance with
right  foot   is   lack  of  muscle  in  the  right  leg,  the  other  is  unbalanced
body  or  organ.
You will  get  better if  you  practice   to  balance  with  right  foot  regularly.