Wednesday 14 May 2014

{15}Yoga pose-: tree-pose

photo-tree  pose  yoga

Like  a  tree ,  which  stays  that  way  forever  without  losing  its  balance
in  the  wind,  tree  pose  means  that  keeps  its  promise,  remains faithful,
keeps  a  vow  and  saves  the  future.

Tree  pose  benefits
Tree  pose  helps  to  maintain a  balance  and  increase  a   concentration,
also  it   increase  a  flexibility  of  ankle, knees  and  pelvis.
Tree  pose  also   will  be  one  of  the  solution  to  prevent  from  dementia.

How  to  do  tree  pose

1.  Stand  erect  and  feet  together.( Remember  not  to  bend  your  upper
    body  and  tighten  your  abdominal  area.)

2. Slowly  lift  your  right  leg  and   put   it  on  the  left  inner thigh.

3. Place  your  palms  together  toward  the  chest  height  and
  raise  it  above  your  head.

4. Take  a  breath  gently  and  switch  side.

Caution  when  you do this  pose !!!!

 Put  your  each  toes  wide  when  you  do  tree  pose.
Don't  try  to  do  too  much to  perform  the  posture  perfectly
when  you  start  tree  pose,  you'd  better  place  the  sole  on  the  calf
if  you feel  that  it  is  difficult  to  touch  the  sole  on  the  thigh.

Ask  about  tree  pose

Q: Hi,  I'm  a  beginner  who  have  been  taking  hot  yoga  class  for  3  months.
    My  problem  is  that  I   can't   do   tree  pose  or  cowface  at  all.
    I  just  drop  my  leg  as  soon  as  I  lift  my  leg  even  if  other  beginners
    can  do  easily  and  simply.  Does  my  pelvis   incorrect?

A: Thank  you  for  asking  your  question,  first  of  all,  it  is  important  to  perform
   by  accepting  the  limit  of  your  body.  Yoga is  not  a  competition,  of  course
   you  need  to  improve  the  posture  more   little  by   little.

   In  my  opinion, your problem (about  tree pose)  is  relates  to "lack  of  muscles"
   Maybe  you  don't  have  enough  power  of   muscles  to  pull  your  leg.
   It  is  helpful  to  perform  yoga pose   by  analyzing  how   your  pelvis  is  incorrect.
   What  you  practice  yoga  pose  too  much  when  your  pelvis  is  incorrect
   makes  your  pelvis  worse.
   Go  easy  on  yourself !  Don't  overdo  it, just  relax  and  practice  little by  little.