Friday 9 May 2014

{5}Yoga pose- warm up


Excessive  exercising  when  people  do  workout  may  produce  negative  effect.
Also exercise without  warm up  can  be  dangerous  as well  as  an  excessive

What  is  warm-up?
Warm-up  is  a  preparatory  stage  to  enter  the  workout   by  raising  the  body
heat  and  awakening  the  body  organs.
You  can  start  workout  by  doing  warm-up  exercise.

Why  do  I  need  warm-up ?
Because  your  muscle  can  be  hurt  or  you  can  suffer  from a muscle pain
if  you  do  exercise  without  warm up.

Many  people  mostly  misunderstand  that  warm-up  exercise  is  just a  stretch,
but   it's  not, stretching  and  warm up exercise  is  absolutely  different.
Warm-up  is  to   warm  your  blood,  then  you can  move  a  muscle  and
joint  using  a  stretch.

Benefits  of  warm up

1)  Warm up   reduces  the  risk of  injury  when  you  do  workout.

2)  Warm up  optimizes  the use  of  workout.
     You  should  keep  yourself  warm (Not hot)  while  you're  doing  workout.

3) The  concentration  level  of  workout  will  be  that  much  higher.

Yoga  and  warm up

You  can  use  basic  yoga  asana  for  warm up  exercise.
There  are  many  yoga  asana   you  can  substitute,  so   choose  a  proper
yoga  pose  before  workout.

Basic  yoga  pose  you  can  substitute  as  a  warm-up

1) One legged  knee  to  chest  pose
   The  benefits  of  this  pose   can  release  the lower back, abdominal area,
   hips  and  thighs,  so  it's  a  great  yoga  pose  for  warm-up  exercise.

2) Reclined  spinal  twist
 Reclined  spinal  twist   is  very  useful   enough  to  use  a  warm up exercise
 for  Jazz  dance  or  modern dance.
 This  pose  can  release  the  tension  in  the  spine  and  stretches  shoulders,
 chest  and  upper back.