Do you want to wear a short pants this summer but worrying
about inner thighs?
Here's a great yoga workout to burn inner thigh and all you need
to do is just practicing.
at first, let's learn about the extended side angle pose
photo -extended side angle pose
1. Starting from the warrior 2 pose ( warrior 2: Stretch your arms
outside to the chest height and then bend your right leg)
2. Slowly lower your right arm and then place in front of the knee.
3. With an inhalation, Raise your left arm towards the ceiling.
4. Lean your upper body to the right side and look at the ceiling.
5. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds, then bring your upper body
back while you're lowering the left arm and stretch your
right leg.
6. Repeat the opposite side.
Benefits of extended side angle pose
Extended side angle pose stretches the groins and the hamstrings deeply.
It also is great for those who suffer from the constipation, menstrual
discomfort and sciatica.
Not to mention, it is a suitable exercise for the people who are deteriorating
knee joint because this pose strengthens the knees.
Q: I'm practicing extended side angle pose because I heard that pose
is good for the constipation. Anyways, can you recommend the foods
for the constipation?
A: Cabbage ( It contains so much fiber to move the bowels.)
Apple ( Apple is good for the intestine to restrain a bad germs while
helping a good germs..)
Prunes: dried plums (Prunes is a best food for the constipation with rich
Celery: Celery is a great vegetable to help a diuretic effect and helps to
eliminate carcinogen from colon.
photo -extended side angle pose
1. Starting from the warrior 2 pose ( warrior 2: Stretch your arms
outside to the chest height and then bend your right leg)
2. Slowly lower your right arm and then place in front of the knee.
3. With an inhalation, Raise your left arm towards the ceiling.
4. Lean your upper body to the right side and look at the ceiling.
5. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds, then bring your upper body
back while you're lowering the left arm and stretch your
right leg.
6. Repeat the opposite side.
Benefits of extended side angle pose
Extended side angle pose stretches the groins and the hamstrings deeply.
It also is great for those who suffer from the constipation, menstrual
discomfort and sciatica.
Not to mention, it is a suitable exercise for the people who are deteriorating
knee joint because this pose strengthens the knees.
Q: I'm practicing extended side angle pose because I heard that pose
is good for the constipation. Anyways, can you recommend the foods
for the constipation?
A: Cabbage ( It contains so much fiber to move the bowels.)
Apple ( Apple is good for the intestine to restrain a bad germs while
helping a good germs..)
Prunes: dried plums (Prunes is a best food for the constipation with rich
Celery: Celery is a great vegetable to help a diuretic effect and helps to
eliminate carcinogen from colon.