Shoulder stand pose helps to solve the thyroid problem,
If you want to cure thyroid problem, practicing shoulder stand yoga
pose will help you.
Shoulder stand pose has an incredible anti-aging benefit to give
a pure blood to the face.
Also many people don't even know this posture is beneficial to make
a tight butt.
How to do shoulder stand yoga pose
1) Lie down on the back and feet together.
Inhale and lift your legs to press the floor with your hands.
2) Slowly raise the hips and Support your back using your hands
while breathing out,
3) Straighten the spine then bring your chest close to the chin.
Breathe softly and slowly
4) Stay in this pose for 20 seconds , then lower your legs to come
up, then relax the feet.
Let's check the benefits of
shoulder stand pose again !!!
1. It release the tension of the muscle in the neck and shoulder.
2. It is effective to eliminate the abdominal fat.
3. It corrects the spine and stimulates the blood circulation.