Sunday 25 January 2015

Yoga-sun salutation

Sun  salutation  as  a  perfect  spiritual  yoga  practice  is  a  great  morning
yoga  exercise.
If  you really  want   to  find  an   ideal  time  for   practicing  sun salutation,
it  will  be  a  great  time  to  do  at  sunrise.
The  best  time  for  practicing  sun salutation  is  generally  known  as  the 
sun  rises  or  goes  down.

How  to  do  sun  salutation

For  beginner

1. You  should  practice  every  movement of  sun salutation  slowly.

2. Stay  posture  for  a  while  and  corrects  wrong  posture.
   ( Do  not  practice  so  fast.)

For  intermediate

Practice  every movement  continuously  without  stopping.

History  of   Sun  Salutation

According  to   the  myth  of  India,  Surya   is  the  god  of  the  sun.
Surya  is  the  sun  human  being  can't  see,  however   Surya  is  the  sun
only worshiper can  see.

Surya  namaskar  is   yoga  pose  to  connect  like  water  is  flowing  with
the  rhythmical  inhalation  and  exhalation   to  get  the  energy  of  sun  in  our
body  with  a  ritual  ceremony  to  worship  the  sun.

How  to  do  Surya  Namaskar

1) Stand  erect  and  feet  together, then  touch  the  palms  each other.

2) Inhale  and  raise  your  arms  above  the  head  and  bring  your  back
  (you  should  tuck  your  hip.)

3) Exhale  and  bring  the  head  down  to the floor, and  place  your  palms
  on  the  floor.

4)Inhale  and  bring  the  right  foot  backward  while  you're  touching  the
  knee  on  the floor.
  (Bring  the  left  foot  between  both  hands.)

5) Bring  the  right  leg  back.

6)Exhale   and  place  your  knees, chest, and  then  forward  to the floor.
  (While  lifting the  hip  and  toes)

7) Inhale  and  bring  the  hip  on  the  floor.
  Raise  your  head  while  you're  lowering  the  shoulders.

8) Exhale  and  lift  the  hip  to  the  sky  while  touching  the  foot  on
  the floor.

9)Inhale  and  bring  the  left  foot  backward.

10) Repeat  the  number 6

11) Repeat  the  number 2

12) Exhale  and  back  to  the  start  position  and  bring  your  arms  down.